Features of the implementation of inclusive education: The role of the teacher
https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2022.16.04.11Palabras clave:
inclusion, children with special educational needs, inclusive educational environment, socialization of children, benefits of an inclusive classroom for child development.Resumen
The article analyzes the peculiarities of the professional activity of a teacher in the conditions of an inclusive educational space, in particular, the special training of a teacher as an integral component of this process. Emphasis is placed on the cooperation of teachers in an inclusive educational institution for the socialization of a child with special needs and her preparation for independent life.
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Derechos de autor 2022 Oksana Klochko, Olena Pohoda, Petro Rybalko, Anatoly Kravchenko, Andrii Tytovych, Viktoriia Kondratenko
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