Historical and translation discourse of Abay in the ethnopedagogic paradigm: features of Analy
https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2021.15.03.7Palabras clave:
historical personality, historical discourse, translation discourse, ethno-identity, social and political activity.Resumen
The article is devoted to the study of Abay's creativity as a historical precedent personality in the context of his ethnopedagogical, historical and translation discourses. Purpose of the work: identifying the essence of Abay's main discourses, analyzing them, determining the contribution of the precedent personality to the historical process of the formation of ethno-identity, as well as clarifying the degree of precedence of the personality and his texts. In the process of analysis, a complex method was used, based on the combination of discursive-historical, cognitive-discursive, and pragmatic-communicative approaches, the method of sociological survey. The results obtained include: description of Abay as a precedent historical personality, widely known for his legislative, social and political activities; a comprehensive analysis of the historical discourse of Abay, the discourse of biy (in Kazakh language), its extralinguistic, cognitive, pragmatic, linguo-stylistic components have been identified and described; the historical character of Abay's translation discourses is established, a comprehensive analysis of such a discourse is carried out, the precedent of the text of Abay's translations is noted. It is concluded that Abay Kunanbaev not only acted as an active historical person who managed to influence the actualization of historical events and their promotion, but also as a poet, translator, who created various discourses (historical, translation, literary). Abay's translation discourse acts as a kind of historical discourse - historical and literary discourse, since it has signs of historicity (created by a historical person, it reflects the features of the historical era). Therefore, these discourses can be analyzed based on a complex discursive-historical and cognitive-discursive approaches.
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Derechos de autor 2021 Bigaysha Z. Akhmetova, Fatima B. Sautieva, Zarema M. Mamieva, Aitbibi Sultanovna Orazbayeva, Yulia V. Islamova
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