Phenomenon of free painting: Comparison of the artistic images of the modernism era and children's painting
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art, education, aesthetic education, artistic and aesthetic development, phenomenon of free painting, means of expression, works of art.Resumen
The relevance of the study is due to the significant changes in the content of education, in particular, art education; the need for a thorough study of modern methods of teaching and upbringing a child, analysis of the modern children’s needs, taking into account the psycho- physiological features of their development and periodization of the children's painting development. The aim of the article is to analyze the artistic images of modernism era artists and artistic images created by preschool children in the process of painting, to identify the common features, find out the analogies, describe manifestations and characteristics. Objectives: to analyze and characterize the phenomenon of free painting; compare the artistic images created by the modernism era artists and preschool children; consider the means of expression used by both groups of recipients, compare them, identify the common things, draw an analogy. The following research methods are used: comparison, which is the basis of such logical method as an analogy; comparison as a comparative-historical method that reveals the general and special features of the phenomena, different stages of development of the same phenomenon or different coexisting phenomena; analysis which helps to identify and compare levels of the development of the phenomenon under study, explore changes, identify trends. The method of formalization is also used, as it clarifies the content of thought by specifying its logical form.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Тetiana Zhytnik, Olesia Prokofieva, Olga Kanarova, Anastasiia Nikirenkova

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