Diagnostic markers of academic activity and mobility of applicants for higher music, pedagogical and choreographic education
https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.01.9Palabras clave:
diagnostic markers, choreographic education, music, pedagogical education, academic mobility, university education.Resumen
The article discusses the experience of art university education in Ukraine in identifying and using the main diagnostic markers of academic activity and mobility for students of music and choreography specialties. The research aims to establish the effectiveness of diagnosing academic activity and mobility of art education students. The study is aimed at identifying the structure and sequence of application of diagnostic markers of their content and pedagogical feasibility. The research methodology is based on an integrated approach. The main method is an experiment, and the practice-oriented analysis of diagnostic markers, statistical methods of analysis, and a descriptive method for reviewing theoretical material is also used. The main hypothesis of the study is that the key diagnostic markers are a social activity, participation in educational and exchange programs, participation in complex art projects, as well as internships. The result of the study is the establishment of diagnostic markers of academic activity and mobility of students of art education, which can show the dynamics of the development of this type of activity of students of art pedagogical specialties. In the future, the main diagnostic markers that determine the level of quality of training of future specialists in music, pedagogical and choreographic education should be considered.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Liliia Chervonska, Natalia Seheda, Inna Pashchenko
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