Innovation to optimize the teaching and development of modern education in the field of culture and art: vectors of development



Palabras clave:

optimización, enfoques innovadores, enseñanza, cultura y arte.


The essence of optimization is the creation of the most favorable conditions for obtaining the desired results without excessive use of time and reduction of physical activity. This aspect is an important component of training specialists in the field of culture and arts, as it allows to increase the efficiency of the educational process and reduce resources to achieve this result. It should be noted that the relevance of the proposed topic is undeniable - the search for optimal solutions to reform the educational process has been going on for more than a decade. Accordingly, the article aims to analyze innovative approaches to optimizing the teaching and development of modern cultural education. Both general theoretical methods and special art studies were used in the preparation of the work. In particular, the analytical method was used to determine the current state of teaching cultural and art disciplines, to characterize the content of curricula and programs. Among other methods we have used, we define synthesis, analysis, induction and deduction. Based on the research, it was found that in addition to traditional teaching methods, special ones should also be used, in particular, more attention should be paid to distance learning methods.

Biografía del autor/a

Taras Kuzmenko , Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine.

PhD in Culture studies, Associate Professor at the Department of Event Management and Leisure Industry, Faculty of Event Management and Show Business Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Oleksandr Panarin , Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine.

PhD in history, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Event Management and Leisure Industry Faculty of Event Management and Show Business, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Iryna Parkhomenko , Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine.

PhD in Philosophy, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Event Management and Leisure Industry Faculty of Event Management and Show Business, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine.

Ivan Soroka , Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine.

PhD in Arts Senior Lecturer Department of Directing and Acting Skills Faculty of Theater, Cinema and Variety Show, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Halyna Salata , Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technology,  Faculty of PR, Journalism and Cybersecurity, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine.


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Cómo citar

Kuzmenko , T., Panarin , O., Parkhomenko , I., Soroka , I., & Salata , H. (2022). Innovation to optimize the teaching and development of modern education in the field of culture and art: vectors of development. Revista Eduweb, 16(2), 107–118.


