The problem of ethnocultural identity in the studies of symbolic interactionism
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ethnocultural identity, formation of ethnocultural identity, symbolic interactionism, social interaction, interpersonal communication.Resumen
The article addresses the problem of ethnocultural identity in the context of research by representatives of symbolic interactionism. The problem of ethnocultural identity acquires relevance in the epoch of globalisation, when the differences between nations and ethno-social groups are erased, ignoring the folk traditions, customs, rituals, i.e. the historically and culturally established values that distinguish one nation from another, on the one hand, and enrich the multinational culture of their country, on the other hand. The purpose of the study is to reveal the conditions for the formation of ethnocultural identity and the factors influencing it. The works by G.H. Mead, C.H. Cooley, E. Goffman, J. Habermas and other authors were analysed within the framework of the research. The study revealed that the formation of ethnocultural identity involves assimilation of the values, norms, beliefs of “own” socio-cultural community, which is possible in the process of social interaction, in the course of meaningful communication in terms of symbolic interactionism.
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Derechos de autor 2021 Lyudmila Redkina , Irina Zakiryanova, Vladimir Vishnevsky , Tatiana Chernova

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