Evaluating the Effectiveness of Distance Learning Physical Education for Disabled Students
https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2021.15.03.9Palabras clave:
The article discusses the effectiveness of the application of the distance learning program at the level of the functional state and reserve capacities of the organism of students with disabilities: for 12 students of 17-19 years old with idiopathic structural scoliosis of II and III degrees of S-shaped type, engaged in a full-time program (stage I) and for the same students studying remotely (stage II), it was studied the functional indicators of the cardiovascular and autonomic nervous system, the function of external respiration, the tone of the paravertebral muscles of the back and neck, as well as indicators of strength and endurance. Then a comparison was made of the studied indicators of stages I and II. It is shown that distance learning has a negative impact on the health of students: hypertonicity of the muscles of the back and neck significantly increases almost twice (the most sensitive is the cervicothoracic region), there is a shift of autonomic tone by 10.73% towards sympathicotonia: heart rate blood pressure increased by 19.06% by 7.9%, respiratory rate by 7.92%, tidal and minute volumes by 17.8-20%, respectively. At the same time, strength endurance and the level of performance decrease by 11.7%. Such changes contribute to the tension of neurohumoral mechanisms of self-regulation, which leads to a decrease in the stock of functional reserves and significantly narrows the range of possible adaptive responses. It is shown that the informatization of the educational system in the edu cational process of students with disabilities should be of a mixed type, where the traditional form of classes remains the leading one.
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Derechos de autor 2021 Natalia Yu. Tarabrina, Tomasz Wilczewski
Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución 4.0.