DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2024.18.01.16
Cómo citar:
Kuznetsova, H., Serdiuk, H., Bazyl, L., Vyshnyk, O., & Sobko, V. (2024). Realities of developing the research competence of
teachers-philologists in wartime. Revista Eduweb, 18(1), 218-234.
Realities of developing the research competence
of teachers-philologists in wartime
Realidades del desarrollo de la competencia investigadora de los profesores-
filólogos en tiempos de Guerra
Halyna Kuznetsova
Department of Ukrainian Language, Literature and Teaching Methods, Educational and Scientific Institute
of Philology and History, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Hlukhiv, Ukraine.
Halyna Serdiuk
Institute of Vocational Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Deputy
Headteacher for Academic Work Municipal institution "Chernihiv Region Science-biased Lyceum" of the
Regional Council, Chernihiv, Ukraine.
Liudmyla Bazyl
Institute for Vocational Education of the NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Olha Vyshnyk
Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National
Pedagogical University, Hlukhiv, Ukraine.
Valentyna Sobko
Department of Primary Education Theory and Methods, Educational and Scientific Institute of Pedagogy
and Psychology, Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Hlukhiv, Ukraine.
Recibido: 04/01/24
Aceptado: 04/03/24
The relevance of the research topic is determined by the urgent need to adapt the educational process and
professional development of teachers-philologists to wartime conditions. The education sector should swiftly
adjust to new realities in light of the challenges posed by the war and global changes, including making use of
digital technology to provide access to high-quality education. Martial law makes adjustments not only to teaching
methods but also to approaches to teachers professional development, emphasizing the need to integrate
innovative methods and approaches. In the course of the research, it has been revealed that digital technologies
play a crucial role in supporting language education in wartime by offering tools for distance learning and self-
education. Innovative teaching methods, such as interactive exercises and online discussions, have been found
to be effective in engaging students and motivating them to actively master the language. The reconstruction of
the educational system provides an opportunity to revise and improve approaches to language teaching, with an
Halyna Kuznetsova, Halyna Serdiuk, Liudmyla Bazyl, Olha Vyshnyk, Valentyna Sobko
Realities of developing the research competence of teachers-philologists in wartime.
- Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /218-234
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
emphasis on integrating the experience gained during the war. This emphasizes the importance of developing
targeted support programs for teachers-philologists in order to enable them to use these technologies and
methodologies effectively in their practice. The research findings emphasize the need for a comprehensive
approach to the renovation and development of language education, with an emphasis on the role of teachers-
philologists as agents of change. Ensuring their professional development, adaptation to new challenges, and
engagement in intercultural communication are key elements of successful post-war reconstruction. Further
studies should focus on the effectiveness of specific innovative methods in language teaching and the
development of integrated professional development programs for teachers-philologists, including
comprehensive support and development of the relevant competencies in the post-war period.
Keywords: development, research competence, components of research competence, innovative methods,
techniques, technologies for the development of research competence, psycho-pedagogical features of research
competence development in wartime, informal education in the development of research competence, teacher-
La relevancia del tema de investigación está determinada por la urgente necesidad de adaptar el proceso
educativo y el desarrollo profesional de los docentes-filólogos a las condiciones de tiempos de guerra. El sector
educativo debe adaptarse rápidamente a las nuevas realidades a la luz de los desafíos planteados por la guerra
y los cambios globales, incluido el uso de la tecnología digital para brindar acceso a una educación de alta calidad.
La ley marcial hace ajustes no sólo a los métodos de enseñanza sino también a los enfoques del desarrollo
profesional de los docentes, enfatizando la necesidad de integrar métodos y enfoques innovadores. En el
transcurso de la investigación, se ha revelado que las tecnologías digitales desempeñan un papel crucial en el
apoyo a la educación lingüística en tiempos de guerra al ofrecer herramientas para el aprendizaje a distancia y
la autoeducación. Se ha descubierto que los métodos de enseñanza innovadores, como los ejercicios interactivos
y los debates en línea, son eficaces para involucrar a los estudiantes y motivarlos a dominar activamente el
idioma. La reconstrucción del sistema educativo brinda la oportunidad de revisar y mejorar los enfoques de la
enseñanza de idiomas, con énfasis en la integración de la experiencia adquirida durante la guerra. Esto enfatiza
la importancia de desarrollar programas de apoyo específicos para profesores-filólogos a fin de permitirles utilizar
estas tecnologías y metodologías de manera efectiva en su práctica. Los resultados de la investigación enfatizan
la necesidad de un enfoque integral para la renovación y el desarrollo de la educación de lenguas, con énfasis
en el papel de los profesores-filólogos como agentes de cambio. Garantizar su desarrollo profesional, su
adaptación a los nuevos desafíos y su participación en la comunicación intercultural son elementos clave para
una reconstrucción exitosa de la posguerra. Otros estudios deberían centrarse en la eficacia de métodos
innovadores específicos en la enseñanza de idiomas y en el desarrollo de programas integrados de desarrollo
profesional para profesores-filólogos, incluido el apoyo integral y el desarrollo de las competencias relevantes en
el período de posguerra.
Palabras clave: desarrollo, competencia de investigación, componentes de la competencia de investigación,
métodos innovadores, técnicas, tecnologías para el desarrollo de la competencia de investigación, características
psicopedagógicas del desarrollo de la competencia de investigación en tiempos de guerra, educación informal
en el desarrollo de la competencia de investigación, profesor-filólogo.
1. Introduction
In the current climate of global instability, particularly under the shadow of conflict, the role of educators,
especially those in the field of philology, becomes profoundly challenging yet critically important. This article
aims to explore and articulate the multifaceted impact of warfare on the pedagogical domain, with a special
focus on the professional development of teachers-philologists. It delves into how these educators can
sustain and enhance their research competence amidst the turmoil, ensuring the continuation of high-
quality linguistic and literary education.
The introduction of digital technologies and innovative teaching methodologies presents a silver lining,
offering tools and avenues for adaptation and growth. This study systematically examines the ways in
which such technologies and methodologies can be harnessed to not only meet the immediate challenges
posed by war conditions but also to lay a foundation for post-conflict educational recovery and
Our discussion is structured to first outline the challenges and adaptations faced by philology teachers in
wartime, emphasizing the strategic use of digital platforms and innovative educational practices. We then
transition to exploring the potential for post-conflict educational reconstruction, highlighting the importance
of integrating wartime experiences and innovations into future teaching and research practices.
By weaving together insights from sociology, psychology, pedagogy, and military studies through a
combination of systemic and autodidactic approaches complemented by analysis and synthesis, we offer a
comprehensive overview of the situation. The aim is to present actionable strategies and recommendations
to support philology teachers in their quest for professional development during and after conflict, thereby
contributing to the resilience and dynamism of educational systems in facing global challenges.
In doing so, this article not only addresses the immediate concerns related to teaching and research
competence in conflict settings but also considers the broader implications for educational practice and
theory in the face of adversity.
2. Literature review
Primarily, it is worth mentioning one of the pioneering works in the chosen topic, namely, the work of R.E.
Spiller (1942), which is still interesting nowadays despite the considerable time distance. This is one of the
first studies of the role of higher education in wartime, which provides a deeper understanding of how
wartime conditions have affected educational institutions in the past and what lessons can be applied today.
Let us pay attention to the scientific work of L. Bazyl, M. Klymenko, and V. Orlov (Вazyl et al., 2019), who
analyze in depth the freedom of pedagogical activity, highlighting contradictions and ways to resolve them
in the context of the educational process. The authors reveal the fundamental aspects that underlie
pedagogical freedom and emphasize the need to harmonize the internal and external conditions of the
educational environment. This study creates a conceptual framework for further consideration of the
specifics of developing literary competence since it points to the importance of adapting pedagogical
strategies to changing conditions. Following up on the topic, Bazyl (2016) in her doctoral dissertation
focuses on the theoretical and methodological foundations of developing the literary competence of future
teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature. The author analyzes in detail the mechanisms for the
formation and improvement of professional skills that are critical for effective pedagogical intervention in
the context of modern challenges, in particular, in the context of military events.
Next, H. Salmento, M. Murtonen, and M. Kiley (Salmento et al., 2021) delve into the nuances of teacher
education students' research competencies by examining their perceptions of theory, underscoring the
critical link between theoretical knowledge and its practical application in teaching. K. Selvi (Selvi, 2010)
discusses the broad spectrum of competencies that contemporary teachers must possess, emphasizing the
necessity for a dynamic skill set in today’s educational environment. S. Mandal (Mandal, 2018) further
expands on the competencies essential for modern teachers, highlighting the integration of technology as
a key factor in contemporary education.
Subsequent analysis is presented in the publications of H. Kuznetsova, T. Zenchenko,
L. Luchkina-Zahorodnia, N. Barannyk, and I. Kholiavko (Kuznetsova et al., 2023), where linguistic and
literary educational field is considered in the system of forming a communicative field. The authors point
Halyna Kuznetsova, Halyna Serdiuk, Liudmyla Bazyl, Olha Vyshnyk, Valentyna Sobko
Realities of developing the research competence of teachers-philologists in wartime.
- Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /218-234
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
out the importance of integrating modern research approaches and methods into the educational process,
which becomes especially relevant in the context of martial law, when traditional educational methods need
to be adapted to new realities. Following this line, H. Kuznetsova, A. Panasenko, O. Vyshnyk, I.
Danylchenko, O. Korchova, and V. Sobko (Kuznetsova et al., 2023) explore innovative approaches and
methods in the professional training of teachers of language and literature. This study emphasizes the
importance of innovations in improving teachers’ research competence and training, which is especially
crucial in the difficult conditions of wartime.
In this context, F. Böttcher and F. Thiel (Böttcher & Thiel, 2018), alongside F. Böttcher-Oschmann, J. Groß
Ophoff, and F. Thiel (Böttcher-Oschmann et al., 2021), contribute to the literature by introducing innovative
instruments for evaluating and enhancing research competencies among university and teacher training
students, respectively, showcasing the importance of research-oriented teaching. B. Koichu and A. Pinto
(Koichu & Pinto, 2018) present the TRAIL framework as an effective method for developing education
research competencies in mathematics teachers, fostering a collaborative culture of inquiry.
In the next block of the analytical review, we continue to consider the development of research competence
among teachers of Ukrainian language and literature, moving from theoretical analysis to practical application
in educational institutions. In this context, the works of H.A. Serdiuk (Serdiuk, 2023а) deepens the understanding
of this topic by focusing on the integration of research activities into teachersprofessional development. The
author emphasizes the need to adapt educational methods to modern challenges (Serdiuk, 2023b), which
becomes especially significant in crisis situations and during war. Extending this discourse, the other work of the
author (Serdiuk, 2022) focuses on specific examples of research activities in lyceums. This approach
demonstrates how theoretical principles can be applied in real-world educational contexts, providing an
important empirical dimension to the analysis of research competence. In another scientific work, H.A. Serdiuk
(Serdiuk, 2023c) focuses on the analysis of the main definitions of studying the development of research
competence of teachers of Ukrainian language and literature, the development of this competence in the
conditions of martial law, as well as the pedagogical conditions for the development of research competence in
the lyceum (Serdiuk, 2023 d). These works of the author demonstrate a comprehensive approach to studying
the issue, offering specific strategies and recommendations for the effective development of teachersresearch
skills in complex social and political conditions.
Subsequently, the study by Dj. Dicum (Dicum, 2008) expands the contextual understanding of the impact
of war on the educational process from the perspective of students. The author makes a significant
contribution to our understanding of how educational processes can continue and advance even in the
most trying circumstances by examining the effects of harsh situations on learning. T. Burgess (Burgess,
2018) analyzes the restoration of history and diversity in English language and literature after the war,
considering how wartime events influence language and literature teaching. This study emphasizes the
importance of cultural and historical awareness in shaping educational content. O. Topuzov, N. Bibik, O.
Lokshyna, and O. Onoprienko (Topuzov et al., 2022) offer an analysis of the organization of primary
education during the war in Ukraine, demonstrating how military operations affect the educational process
and what strategies can be used to support students and teachers. Finally, the scientific work of N. Beadie
(Beadie, 2016) explores the interrelation between war, education and state formation, analyzing the
problems of territorial and political integration in the United States from 1848 to 1912. This research
provides an important historical context for understanding the impact of war on education and state-
In their insightful analysis, Strohl and Ris (Strohl & Ris, 2023) delve into the transformative impact of World
War I and the Truman Commission's efforts on higher education in the United States, tracing the trajectory
towards universal college access. The study meticulously examines the societal and political shifts induced
by World War I, setting the stage for significant educational reforms. The authors highlight how the Truman
Commission, established in the aftermath of the conflict, played a pivotal role in advocating for broader
access to higher education, effectively laying the groundwork for what would become a fundamental aspect
of American educational policy. This exploration into the historical context of educational transformation
underscores the capacity of societal upheaval, such as war, to catalyze comprehensive reforms in
educational accessibility and quality. Strohl and Ris's work provides a compelling parallel to the current
study's focus on the challenges and opportunities for professional development among teachers-philologists
in wartime conditions. It underscores the notion that crises, while presenting immediate challenges, also
offer unique opportunities for systemic change and advancement in educational practices and policies.
The publication by V.A. Dobiesh and co-authors (Dobiesz et al., 2022) explores ways to support and develop
health education activities during the war, emphasizing the importance of adapting educational programs
to extreme conditions. This study points to the need for flexibility in approaches to medical education,
which becomes especially relevant in the context of military conflicts.
Yu. Tsekhmister (Tsekhmister, 2022) examines the education of the future through the prism of post-war
recovery and Ukraine’s integration into the European Union. The author emphasizes the role of educational
reforms as a tool for social and economic recovery and further development of the country.
M. Kahanets, S. Leu-Severynenko, A. Novosad, and Ya. Stadnyi (Kahanec et al., 2022) analyze educational
reforms during and after the war, offering a perspective on strategies for rebuilding the educational system
in Ukraine. These strategies include adapting curricula, integrating digital technologies, and supporting the
psychological well-being of students and teachers.
M. Bjork, J. R. Boyle, and P. Kohl (Björck et al., 2023) emphasize the significance of science and education
in the context of health crisis and war, stressing that education and research are crucial to overcoming
crises and promoting stability and recovery. O. Topuzov & O. Lokshyna (2022) study education in wartime,
focusing on international experience and Ukraine’s achievements in this area. The authors point to
successful practices of adapting the educational system to wartime conditions, in particular, through the
introduction of distance learning and support for students and teachers. I. Vorotnykova, N. Morse, and L.
Hrynevych (Vorotnykova et al., 2023) focus on the digital transformation of secondary education in Ukraine
and the quality of science and mathematics teaching in conditions of war. The study points to the
importance of integrating digital tools to ensure accessibility and quality of education even in difficult
Subsequently, we will consider methodologies and pedagogical approaches in teaching the second
language, with a special emphasis on cognitive linguistics, spatial perspectives in language teaching,
political aspects of translanguaging, plurilingual education, and professional language training for the
military, intercultural approach in teaching English, the impact of war on academic identities, and the role
of translators in wartime. For instance, J. Littlemore (Littlemore, 2023) proposes an innovative approach to
second language teaching through the prism of cognitive linguistics, emphasizing the importance of
understanding mental processes in language learning and teaching. This scientific article demonstrates how
a deeper understanding of the cognitive aspects of language can improve the effectiveness of the learning
process. P. Benson (Benson, 2021) explores spatial perspectives in language learning, considering physical
and virtual environments as key components in the language learning process. The author emphasizes the
importance of creating optimal conditions for language immersion and interaction. L. Wei (Wei, 2022)
discusses translanguaging as a political stance, focusing on its implications for English language education.
This approach opens up a discussion about the role of language in social integration and cultural diversity.
E. Picardo, A. Germain-Rutherford, and G. Lawrence (Picardo et al., 2021) provide a comprehensive
overview of plurilingual education, emphasizing the importance of multilingualism in the modern world. The
edited scientific work provides an in-depth analysis of teaching methods and strategies that promote the
development of plurilingual competencies. J. Corbett (Corbett, 2022) examines the intercultural approach
to teaching English, offering strategies for developing learners’ intercultural competence. The author
Halyna Kuznetsova, Halyna Serdiuk, Liudmyla Bazyl, Olha Vyshnyk, Valentyna Sobko
Realities of developing the research competence of teachers-philologists in wartime.
- Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /218-234
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
emphasizes the importance of understanding cultural diversity for effective language learning. J. Baigorri-
Jalon (Baigorri-Jalon, 2021) analyzes the role of philology in the Spanish Civil War, highlighting the
significance of language and communication in conflict zones. The author considers translation as a critical
tool for ensuring understanding and cooperation between different parties.
It is worth noting the study of L. Kanova (Kanova, 2023), who focuses on the professional language training
of military officers in higher military educational institutions of Ukraine in times of war, emphasizing the
need to adapt educational programs to the specific needs of the armed forces. А. Oleksiienko, S.
Terepyshchyi, O. Homilko, and D. Svyrydenko (Oleksiyenko et al., 2021) explore the impact of war on
academic identities, focusing on the experiences of displaced academics in Ukraine. This publication
highlights the difficulty of adapting to new social and academic environments in a conflict-affected
The next section of our analytical literature review will cover the issues of organizing the educational
process in the context of social disasters, wars and pandemics, the impact of digital technologies on
teachers’ training and professional development, and the challenges and opportunities for higher education
in Ukraine in the context of military operations.
The study by D. Kolomiets, V. Ivashchevych, A. Hrytsak, V. Dobrynsky, and O. Khomyk (Kolomiiets et al.,
2022) analyzes in detail the experience of organizing the educational process during the war and in the
postwar period. The authors highlight the adaptation of educational institutions to new conditions, the use
of distance and flexible forms of education, which demonstrates the importance of innovative approaches
to education in times of crisis. T. Almpanis and P. Joseph-Richard (Almpanis & Joseph-Richard, 2022) share
their experience of teaching at a distance during the pandemic, exploring the challenges and perspectives
faced by educators. Their research emphasizes the need for support and skills development for effective
distance learning. O. Yu. Burov (Burov, 2021) focuses on Ukrainian education in the context of cognitive
warfare, analyzing the current state and challenges facing the educational system. This study highlights
the importance of critical thinking and media literacy in the context of information warfare.
H. Crompton and K. Sikora (Crompton & Sikora, 2021) explore the development of instructional technology
standards for educators, stressing the importance of integrating technology into the learning process. Their
scientific work indicates the need to standardize pedagogical approaches to the use of technology. V.M.
Hale and L. Lockard (Hale & Lockard, 2022) discuss teachers’ perspectives on indigenous language
education, emphasizing the importance of preserving cultural heritage and linguistic diversity. This study
emphasizes the need for inclusive educational strategies. S. Hennessy, S. D’Angelo, N. McIntyre, S. Kumar,
A. Kreimey, L. Cao, et al. (Hennessy, Angelo, McIntyre
et al.
, 2022) explore the use of technology for
teachers’ professional development in low- and middle-income countries, emphasizing the potential of
technology for improving the quality of education. J. Rizk and K. Gillier (Rizk & Gillier, 2022) investigate the
way digital technologies can increase the inclusion of students with disabilities, emphasizing the importance
of access to education for everyone. I. Shevchuk and A. Shevchuk (Shevchuk & Shevchuk, 2022) analyze
educational analytics through the prism of war, highlighting the challenges and opportunities for higher
education in Ukraine. Their research emphasizes the importance of adapting education systems to changing
conditions and using data to improve the quality of education.
Further discussing the subject, D. Uerz, M. Volman, and M. Kral (Uerz et al., 2018) review the competencies
teacher educators need to foster technology proficiency in student teachers, indicating a shift towards
technology-enriched teaching methodologies. C.M.D. Toquero (Toquero, 2021) addresses the challenges
preservice teachers face in developing research competencies, particularly within action research,
suggesting the need for practical guidance in real-world research endeavors.P. Mak, M. Yang, and R. Yuan
(Mak et al., 2023) emphasize the significance of classroom-based research in nurturing teacher competence
during field experiences, advocating for a hands-on approach to teacher training. H.H. Şahan and R. Tarhan
(Şahan & Tarhan, 2015), E. Wuttke and J. Seifried (Wuttke & Seifried, 2017), and W. Maba et al. (Maba et
al., 2018) each contribute to understanding the facets of teacher competence, from scientific research skills
to professional error competence and the impact of teacher welfare on education quality.
These studies collectively highlight the importance of adaptability, innovation, and inclusiveness in education in
times of crisis and war, emphasizing the role of digital technologies and pedagogical innovation in addressing
contemporary educational challenges.
The final part of our literature review examines studies that focus on the role of civil society in teachers’
professional development, global trends in vocational teacher education, the need to rebuild the capacity
of university teachers after the war, innovative approaches to teacher education, and the effectiveness of
professional development programs.
О. Elkin, O. Marushchenko, O. Masalitina, O. Raskazova, T. Drozhzhyna, and K. Zhurba (Elkin et al., 2023)
highlight the role of civil society organizations in transforming teachers’ professional development in Ukraine
during wartime. They prioritize social, emotional, and ethical learning as key components that help teachers
adapt to the challenges of war. А. Popova, D.C. Evans, M.E. Breeding, and V. Aransibia (Popova et al.,
2022) examine the professional development of teachers in a global context, identifying a gap between
evidence and practice. Their analysis emphasizes the need to improve the effectiveness of professional
development programs. H. Ma, I. Hryshova, I. Koshkalda, A. Suska, R. Hryshova, A. Riasnianska, and O.
Tupchii (Ma et al., 2022) draw attention to the necessity of restoring the capacity of university teachers in
Ukraine after the war in terms of stable and ongoing development. They emphasize the importance of
adapting to changing conditions and challenges.
J.S.Z. Oghly (Oghly, 2023) describes the Japanese approach to postgraduate training and professional
development of science and physics teachers, highlighting the effectiveness of this approach in creating
highly qualified specialists. W. Hiew and J. Murray (Hiew & Murray 2021) seek to improve upon Huber’s
evaluation framework for teacher professional development programs by providing tools for effective
curriculum analysis and planning. M.A. Thomas and F.K. Vavrus (Thomas & Vavrus, 2021) consider the
“Pluto problem” in the context of teacher professional development, analyzing reflections of discomfort and
their impact on the learning process. T.T. Stewart and T.A. Jansky (Stewart & Jansky, 2022) share the
experiences of new teachers in taking on challenges through dialogue and reflection as part of professional
development, emphasizing the importance of support in the early stages of their careers.
С. Miedijensky and I. Sasson (Miedijensky & Sasson, 2022) explore participation in action as a way to
innovate in mathematics and science teaching, emphasizing the importance of teachersparticipation in
professional development. H.S. Yu, S.M. Chako, and V. Kapila (You et al., 2021) evaluate the effectiveness
of a professional development program through the integration of educational robots into science and
mathematics curricula, demonstrating a positive impact on the learning process. Р. Lara-Alesio, S. Tang,
C. L. Sutton-Jones, B. J. Irby, F. Tong, D. D. Jimenez, and E. G. Villarreal (Lara-Alesio et al., 2021) analyze
teachers’ knowledge and practices after participating in virtual professional development, pointing to the
importance of digital platforms for improving pedagogical skills.
Н. Tytova and K. Mereniuk (Tytova & Mereniuk, 2022) study the digital literacy of future teachers in the realities
of large-scale military aggression, emphasizing the need to prepare teachers to use digital technologies in the
learning process. D. Wyse and A. Bradbury (Wyse & Bradbury, 2022) examine the reading warsin the context
of a critical analysis of studies, curriculum policies, and teacherspractices in teaching phonics and reading,
emphasizing the need for reconciliation between different approaches to reading instruction.
The review of the literature proposed above, on the one hand, has revealed a deep interest in the
development of teachers’ research competence in the context of wartime, highlighting the variety of
Halyna Kuznetsova, Halyna Serdiuk, Liudmyla Bazyl, Olha Vyshnyk, Valentyna Sobko
Realities of developing the research competence of teachers-philologists in wartime.
- Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /218-234
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
approaches and strategies used in the educational sphere to adapt to extreme conditions. Considerable
attention is paid to the use of digital technologies, innovative teaching methods, and psychosocial support
for teachers and students. However, on the other hand, the analysis has also revealed a number of research
gaps, including a lack of empirical data on the long-term impact of wartime conditions on teachers’
professional development, as well as limited attention to interdisciplinary integrated approaches in research
that would facilitate innovative development of educational programs.
These “white spots” emphasize the relevance of our chosen topic and the need for further studies to better
understand how educational institutions can effectively adapt to wartime conditions while guaranteeing
quality professional development for teachers. It is important to explore how pedagogical innovations and
adaptive strategies can be integrated into the educational process to support teachers in their quest for
ongoing development despite the challenges posed by military conflict. The creation and execution of
professional development initiatives that would include the specifics of martial law and provide educators
with the tools and resources they need to function well under such circumstances is very compelling. Thus,
our academic paper aims to fill the existing gaps in the literature by offering a new perspective on strategies
for developing teachers’ research competence, which is crucial for ensuring the stability of the educational
process and recovery in the post-war period.
The purpose of the proposed research is a comprehensive analysis of the impact of military conditions on
the educational process and professional development of teachers-philologists, with a special emphasis on
identifying adaptive strategies and innovative approaches in teaching and pedagogical practice. The
academic paper seeks to identify how civil society, digital technologies, intercultural interaction, and
changes in learning environments contribute to the formation of effective methods of teachers’ professional
development that meet the challenges of wartime and post-war reconstruction. The main focus is on
analyzing Ukraine’s experience in the context of large-scale military aggression, studying the impact of the
conflict on the education sector and identifying pedagogical innovations that can be applied in similar
situations globally.
3. Methodology
In the framework of our study, we focus on the application of systemic and autodidactic approaches,
complemented by methods of analysis and synthesis. This allows for a deeper understanding of how
philology teachers can maintain and develop their research competence under changing conditions due to
The systemic approach provides a comprehensive review of the educational process, considering both
internal and external factors that influence the professional development of teachers in crisis conditions.
Meanwhile, the autodidactic approach emphasizes the self-directed learning of teachers, their ability to
independently find, assimilate, and integrate new knowledge and methodologies into their practice,
adapting to rapidly changing conditions.
Analysis enables us to deconstruct existing practices, methodologies, and strategies to identify the most
effective ones for supporting the research competence of philology teachers. Synthesis, in turn, helps to
combine the obtained data into a coherent picture, forming new approaches and recommendations that
can be used for further development of the educational process under similar conditions.
We apply a critical approach to assess existing studies and practices, identifying potential gaps in knowledge
and opportunities for further explorations. This also includes evaluating the effectiveness of various
pedagogical innovations and professional development programs in the context of their application in the
conditions of war and post-war reconstruction.
The empirical basis of our article is derived from recent sociological studies on the attitudes and needs of
educators and students in Ukraine. These studies provide a rich dataset that allows us to explore the impact
of conflict on the educational environment from multiple perspectives. By analyzing these sociological
findings, we aim to uncover the specific challenges faced by educators in maintaining the quality of
education and their professional development under duress, as well as the adaptive strategies they employ.
This approach enables us to not only highlight the resilience and ingenuity of teachers in crisis conditions
but also to identify gaps in the current support systems that could be addressed to better meet the needs
of educators and students alike. Utilizing qualitative and quantitative data from these studies, we apply
thematic analysis to distill key insights into the evolving dynamics of education in conflict zones, ensuring
our discussion is grounded in the lived experiences of those directly impacted.
Thus, our methodology aims at a deep understanding and development of strategies that will allow
philology teachers to effectively develop their research competence, using systemic and autodidactic
approaches, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis to adapt to wartime conditions.
4. Results and discussions
The impact of war on educational processes.
Military conflicts pose enormous challenges to all aspects of public life, including education. In times of
war, teachers face a number of specific challenges affecting their ability to continue their professional
development and fulfill their educational responsibilities. We will analyze below how the war conditions
influence the educational process and professional development of teachers, highlighting key challenges
and possible adaptation strategies.
According to sociological research conducted by Goglobal (Goglobal, 2023), there is a significant concern
regarding professional burnout among teachers in Ukraine, particularly in the context of the ongoing
conflict. The study reveals that 54% of teachers report experiencing burnout, while 40% do not, and 6%
are undecided or find it difficult to articulate their state clearly.
Additionally, the psychological needs of educators during this period have come to the forefront, with 54%
of the respondents expressing a need for psychological help. In contrast, 39% feel they do not require
such assistance, and 7% remain uncertain about their needs in this area (Goglobal, 2023).
Furthermore, when assessing the workload changes since February 24, 2022, a striking 80% of teachers
perceive an increase in their workload. Only 12% have noticed no change, and a mere 5% report a
decrease. Notably, 3% find it challenging to provide a definitive response (Goglobal, 2023).
These findings indicate a crucial pressure point within the Ukrainian educational system, highlighting the
exacerbated challenges faced by teachers during the crisis. Apparently, the reported high levels of burnout
and the significant acknowledgment of increased workload underscore the pressing need for systemic
support and targeted measures to ensure educators' well-being and professional resilience.
One of the biggest challenges is the loss of the conventional educational environment and the need to
quickly adapt to new forms of learning. Martial law often leads to the closure of educational institutions
and the transition to distance learning without proper training and psychological support for both teachers
and students. This puts additional pressure on teachers who are trying not only to provide training without
interruptions but also to maintain high quality education.
Adapting to new conditions requires teachers in general, and teachers-philologists in particular, to develop
new skills, including mastering digital tools for distance learning, introducing innovative teaching methods,
Halyna Kuznetsova, Halyna Serdiuk, Liudmyla Bazyl, Olha Vyshnyk, Valentyna Sobko
Realities of developing the research competence of teachers-philologists in wartime.
- Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /218-234
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
and searching for ways to interact effectively with students online. However, opportunities for professional
development are limited in such circumstances since most resources and attention are focused on
addressing immediate security and survival concerns.
Despite the challenges, there are adaptation strategies that can help teachers continue their professional
development even in wartime. These include, first of all,
the use of open educational resources
. For
instance, online platforms and open educational resources can provide teachers with access to educational
materials and courses for self-study.
is of equal importance: creating and maintaining
professional networks through social media and forums ensures the exchange of experience, resources,
and emotional support among teachers. Finally,
flexible forms of professional development
are becoming
increasingly important: adapting professional development programs to flexible formats, such as webinars,
online seminars, and short courses, helps teachers gain new knowledge without investing a lot of time and
As we delve into the crux of how war reshapes educational landscapes, it becomes clear that technology
and innovation are not mere adjuncts but central pillars in sustaining and advancing pedagogical objectives
under duress. This segment of our exploration not only highlights the pivotal role of digital platforms and
innovative teaching methodologies but also situates these tools within the broader context of educational
resilience and adaptability. Here, we bridge the theoretical underpinnings of educational science with the
practical exigencies of wartime teaching, illustrating the symbiotic relationship between pedagogical
innovation and the imperative of educational continuity.
Challenges and adaptation strategies for teachers.
Adapting the educational process to the conditions of war requires not only changing approaches to
teaching but also integrating innovative methods and technologies that can contribute to the effectiveness
of training and professional development of teachers. This block focuses on analyzing how innovations in
education can respond to the challenges posed by martial law and how teachers can use these new
approaches to support their development and ensure quality education.
Digital technologies have become a key element in supporting the educational process in conditions of war.
Online learning platforms, virtual classrooms, mobile apps for self-education, and interactive resources
allow teachers and students to stay connected regardless of their physical location. The application of these
tools contributes to preserving access to education as well as opens up new opportunities for the
professional development of teachers through online courses, webinars and virtual conferences.
Wartime conditions require teachers not only to adapt to new technologies but also to use innovative
teaching methods that take into account the psycho-emotional state of students, such as project-based
learning, gamification, video and interactive tasks. These techniques help keep students engaged, and they
also assist teachers in developing their pedagogical skills by adapting the learning process to unpredictable
The necessity of adapting professional development programs to the teachers’ requirements working in the
war is becoming especially urgent. Developing specialized programs that focus on promoting resilience,
stress tolerance, and critical thinking and problem-solving skills can help support teachers’ professional
development even in the most challenging environments.
In general, the integration of innovative methods and technologies into the educational process during the
war opens up new horizons for the professional development of teachers, allowing them not only to respond
effectively to current challenges but also to prepare for future changes in the educational sphere. However,
support is necessary at all levels of the education system to fulfill these opportunities, including access to
resources, training, and methodological assistance.
Post-war educational system reconstruction and development.
Finally, we will provide several considerations in this section regarding the prospects for the development of
research competence in the post-war period, which will certainly be based on the experience gained during
the war. The post-war period offers unique opportunities for rethinking and improving the educational system,
particularly in the area of teachersprofessional development. The quality of education can be significantly
improved and teachers can be prepared for future challenges by focusing on lessons learned during the war
and integrating innovations that have proven effective in extreme environments. This block analyzes the key
areas of post-war reconstruction of the educational system and the development of teachersprofessional
Post-war reconstruction should include not only the physical restoration of educational institutions but also
the rethinking of educational programs and methods to adapt to the changed social context. The
elaboration and implementation of professional development programs that focus on stress management,
critical thinking, the use of IT tools in the learning process, and teaching methods adapted to the needs of
modern students is an important aspect.
Effective post-war reconstruction requires interdisciplinary cooperation between educational institutions,
government agencies, non-governmental organizations and the private sector. Such cooperation can
facilitate the exchange of experience, resources, and innovative practices, providing a comprehensive
approach to addressing educational challenges. Particular attention should be paid to the integration of
social, psychological and technological aspects into teacher professional development programs.
The postwar period is a time for reflection and analysis of the experience gained during the war. This
experience provides valuable lessons on adaptability, innovation and collaboration in extreme environments
that can be integrated into future educational strategies. Particular attention should be paid to studying
and adapting effective innovative methodologies and technologies used during the war to support the
ongoing professional development of teachers.
The prospect of post-war reconstruction and development in the educational sector invites a forward-
looking perspective, one that synthesizes the lessons of the present with the possibilities of the future. This
reflection is not merely a contemplation of what has been but a strategic blueprint for what could be,
leveraging the insights and innovations born out of necessity to envision a more resilient and dynamic
educational framework. As we contemplate the future of education in a post-war context, this section aims
to extrapolate the current findings towards broader implications for policy, practice, and pedagogical theory.
In integrating these paragraphs into the existing structure, the introduction is enhanced to provide a clearer
roadmap for the reader, offering both a macro and micro perspective on the study's objectives,
methodologies, and anticipated contributions to the field. This revised structure aims to offer a more guided
exploration of the topic, ensuring that readers are not only informed of the challenges and opportunities
identified but are also engaged in a dialogue that extends beyond the immediate context to the future of
education in post-war recovery and development.
Integration of digital technologies into teachers’ professional development in wartime is considered an
effective way to ensure access to education and lifelong learning. Supporters of this viewpoint argue that
technology can contribute to the flexibility of the learning process, allowing teachers to adapt to changing
conditions and keep in touch with students regardless of their physical location. Opponents of the intensive
integration of digital technologies point to the risks associated with digital exclusion, increased inequality
Halyna Kuznetsova, Halyna Serdiuk, Liudmyla Bazyl, Olha Vyshnyk, Valentyna Sobko
Realities of developing the research competence of teachers-philologists in wartime.
- Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /218-234
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2