Tetiana Rozhnova, Olena Sholokh, Oleksandr Kapinus, Tetiana Makhynia, Nataliia Prykhodkina
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2024.18.01.12
Cómo citar:
Rozhnova, T., Sholokh, O., Kapinus, O., Makhynia, T., & Prykhodkina, N. (2024). Training of scientific and pedagogical staff in
higher education institutions: quality and requirements. Revista Eduweb, 18(1), 164-179.
Training of scientific and pedagogical staff in higher
education institutions: quality and requirements
Formación del personal científico y pedagógico en instituciones de educación
superior: calidad y requisitos
Tetiana Rozhnova
Educational and Scientific Institute of Management and Psychology of the State Institution of Higher Education
"University of Education Management" of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv,
Olena Sholokh
Educational and Scientific Institute of History and Socio-Humanitarian Disciplines named after O.M. Lazarevsky
National University "Chernihiv Collegium" named after T.G. Shevchenko, Chernihiv, Ukraine.
Oleksandr Kapinus
Hetman Petro Sagaidachny National Army Academy, Lviv, Ukraine.
Tetiana Makhynia
Educational and Scientific Institute of Management and Psychology of the State Institution of Higher Education
"University of Education Management" of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv,
Nataliia Prykhodkina
Educational and Scientific Institute of Management and Psychology of the State Institution of Higher Education
"University of Education Management" of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv,
Recibido: 26/12/23
Aceptado: 18/02/24
This research addresses the crucial aspect of preparing scientific and pedagogical professionals in higher
education institutions, focusing on their professional development and alignment with contemporary
requirements. In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, understanding the current state and adapting
to emerging needs are paramount. The primary aim of this study is to explore and analyze the current
trends and modern requirements for scientific and pedagogical workers in higher education institutions.
This qualitative research relies on evaluative judgments presented in contemporary scientific literature. The
work uses content analysis, thematic and comparison. The results reveal the significance and diversity of
approaches in preparing scientific and pedagogical professionals in higher education. The analysis
emphasizes the need for adaptation to the requirements of the modern educational landscape in the context
Training of scientific and pedagogical staff in higher education institutions: quality
and requirements. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /164-179
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
of modern Master’s training. system. In the conclusion, the research underscores the importance of ongoing
professional development for scientific and pedagogical professionals to meet the challenges of the dynamic
educational environment. While acknowledging the role of technology, the study challenges the notion that
it is the sole driver of educational development. It also highlights the continued relevance of traditional
pedagogical methods and the importance of professionalism in the evolving values of educational
Keywords: higher education institution, pedagogy of higher education, training of research and teaching
staff, masters of educational and pedagogical sciences, educational innovations, professional development
of lecturers.
Esta investigación aborda el aspecto crucial de la preparación de profesionales científicos y pedagógicos en
instituciones de educación superior, enfocándose en su desarrollo profesional y alineación con las
exigencias contemporáneas. En el panorama educativo en rápida evolución, comprender el estado actual
y adaptarse a las necesidades emergentes es fundamental. El objetivo principal de este estudio es explorar
y analizar las tendencias actuales y los requisitos modernos para los trabajadores científicos y pedagógicos
en las instituciones de educación superior. Esta investigación cualitativa se basa en juicios evaluativos
presentados en la literatura científica contemporánea. El trabajo utiliza análisis de contenido, temático y
comparativo. Los resultados revelan la importancia y diversidad de enfoques en la preparación de
profesionales científicos y pedagógicos en la educación superior. El análisis enfatiza la necesidad de
adaptación a los requisitos del panorama educativo moderno en el contexto de la formación de maestría
moderna. sistema. En conclusión, la investigación subraya la importancia del desarrollo profesional continuo
para que los profesionales científicos y pedagógicos enfrenten los desafíos del entorno educativo dinámico.
Si bien reconoce el papel de la tecnología, el estudio cuestiona la noción de que es el único motor del
desarrollo educativo. También destaca la continua relevancia de los métodos pedagógicos tradicionales y
la importancia del profesionalismo en la evolución de los valores de los profesionales de la educación.
Palabras clave: institución de educación superior, pedagogía de la educación superior, formación de
personal investigador y docente, maestrías en ciencias de la educación y pedagógicas, innovaciones
educativas, desarrollo profesional de docentes.
1. Introduction
The training of scientific and pedagogical workers in institutions of higher education stands as a pivotal
aspect in shaping the future of academia and intellectual progress. As the demand for well-prepared
professionals in various fields continues to grow, the quality of training provided to individuals pursuing
careers in scientific and pedagogical roles becomes increasingly crucial. This topic is particularly relevant in
the context of evolving educational landscapes, where the expectations and requirements for these
professionals are continually adapting to meet the challenges of contemporary society. Numerous studies
have delved into the requirements of this training, aiming to understand the dynamics that contribute to
the overall effectiveness of educational programs (Baranovska et al., 2020; Lottermann et al., 2017). A
notable investigation conducted by Bondarenko, Zaytseva and Rukin (2021) explored the correlation
between the quality of training programs and the subsequent impact on the academic and research output
of graduates. Another study by Ferreira and Cravino (2022) delved into the specific requirements perceived
by both educators and researchers, shedding light on the intricacies of aligning training programs with the
evolving demands of the academic landscape.
Despite the acknowledged importance of training scientific and pedagogical workers, there exists a pressing
research problem concerning the effectiveness and quality of the training programs offered in institutions
Tetiana Rozhnova, Olena Sholokh, Oleksandr Kapinus, Tetiana Makhynia, Nataliia Prykhodkina
of higher education. The gap between traditional teaching methodologies and the dynamic needs of modern
society raises questions about whether the current training approaches adequately equip individuals with
the skills and knowledge required for success in their respective fields.
The primary aim of this study is to critically examine the quality of training for scientific and pedagogical
workers in institutions of higher education. By assessing the existing practices and identifying potential
areas for improvement, the study aims to contribute valuable insights that can enhance the overall
effectiveness of these training programs.
To achieve the aforementioned aim, the following tasks will be undertaken:
1. Conduct a comprehensive literature review to understand the historical context and current trends
in the training of scientific and pedagogical workers.
2. Describe the state of preparation of scientific and pedagogical workers
3. Determine the main modern requirements for the training of scientific and pedagogical staff.
2. Literature review
The evolving landscape of education is intricately intertwined with various dimensions, as evidenced by a
multitude of studies exploring diverse perspectives. The evolving landscape of education was intricately
intertwined with various dimensions, as evidenced by a multitude of studies that explored diverse
perspectives. Borysova, Zadorina, Kotiash and Bukoros (2023) delved into the future of Ukrainian
education, particularly focusing on the integration of digital competencies. Their work shed light on teaching
and assessment methodologies, emphasizing the importance of preparing learners for a digitally-oriented
world. In a parallel vein, Iskakova (2023) navigated the realm of electronic technologies, specifically
addressing the individualized learning needs of education seekers with special needs. This research
underscored the intersection of technology and inclusivity, recognizing the potential of electronic tools in
catering to the diverse learning requirements of students with special needs. Philosophical futurism took
centre stage in Maciej (2023) work, where an analysis of personality consciousness, information and
communication technologies (ICT), and forward-thinking pedagogical strategies unravelled the intricate
relationship between philosophy and educational evolution. The study probed the transformative impact of
philosophical perspectives on the future landscape of education. Shifting gears to the healthcare sector,
Kaminskyy and Viesova (2022) investigated innovative activities within future healthcare institutions. Their
exploration provided valuable insights into models designed to overcome dilemmas in healthcare, signaling
the importance of innovation in addressing challenges within this critical domain. The role of sports in
higher education across various disciplines was explored by Dzhym, Saienko, Pozdniakova, Zhadlenko and
Kondratenko (2023), who advocated for the intensification of sports activities in the training process. Their
work highlighted the potential of sports in fostering holistic development and its integration into diverse
academic specialties.
On a linguistic front, Yuhan (2017) exploration of multimedia technologies in teaching language to foreign
students underscored the globalized nature of education. This study acknowledged the significance of
multimedia tools in language education, offering an innovative approach to teaching and learning.
Frumkina, Diachenko, Polyezhayev, Savina and Hadi (2020) contributed to the discourse by assessing the
readiness of future teachers for integrated teaching in a foreign language. This study recognized the
growing importance of linguistic diversity in educational settings and the corresponding need for educators
to be equipped for integrated language instruction. Moreover, Tsekhmister, Viznіuk, Humeniuk, Dolynnyi
and Polishchuk (2022). delved into the formation of professional skills for future physicians. This work
provided valuable insights into the training process, focusing on the development of skills essential for
medical practitioners, thereby contributing to the ongoing discourse on medical education.
Training of scientific and pedagogical staff in higher education institutions: quality
and requirements. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /164-179
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Dehtiarova study (2022) delved into the challenging aspects related to the working hours of scientific and
pedagogical workers in higher education institutions operating under specific training conditions. This
research was crucial in understanding the potential stressors and constraints that impacted the efficiency
and well-being of academic staff in specialized educational settings. Dekarchuk, Honcharuk, Yovenko and
Parakhnenko (2023) contributed by establishing the methodological foundations for training students in
higher pedagogical institutions, emphasizing the organization and conduct of scientific and pedagogical
research. The focus on providing students with a strong methodological framework reflected a commitment
to nurturing research skills and fostering a culture of inquiry among future educators.
In the context of Ukrainian higher education, Halchenko, Snyatkova, Semencha, Bilozerska, Tryfonova and
Ahiliar Tukler (2023) presented a conceptual framework for shaping the foundations of the future teacher's
professional culture. This work underscored the importance of cultivating a robust professional culture
among aspiring educators, offering insights into the unique context of Ukrainian higher education.
Kouchur investigation (2020) into pedagogical conditions for ensuring the quality of distance education in
higher education institutions was particularly timely, given the growing prominence of online learning. The
study addressed challenges and requirements essential for maintaining educational standards in the
dynamic landscape of distance education. The work by Kozubtsov, Kariaka, Kozubtsova and Dotsenko
(2022) explored pedagogical design as a contemporary phenomenon, focusing on the individual skills of
scientific and pedagogical workers in higher education institutions. This study added to the discourse by
highlighting the evolving nature of pedagogical skills in the modern educational landscape. Hurska and
Parshyn (2023) investigated the role of modern humanitarian textbooks in the process of training and
teaching education seekers.
Finally, Kropocheva (2021) shed light on new opportunities for scientific libraries through repositories in
higher pedagogical education institutions. This perspective expanded the horizon, emphasizing the role of
libraries as repositories and their potential contributions to academic research and knowledge
In summary, the amalgamation of these studies enriched understanding of critical issues such as working
conditions, methodological foundations, professional culture and pedagogical design in higher education
institutions. Together, they contributed to a holistic perspective on the complexities and opportunities within
the contemporary landscape of higher education. However, the issue of training scientific and pedagogical
workers is not sufficiently studied. For this reason, it is worth characterizing the basic conditions of their
training in the modern educational space.
3. Materials and methods
General background
This research aims to elucidate the rationale behind conducting a study on the preparation of scientific and
pedagogical staff in higher education institutions, as well as to define its objectives and requirements.
This study is qualitative as it is based on evaluative judgments presented in contemporary scientific
Data collection
A meticulous search was conducted, and articles published in reputable academic databases such as Google
Scholar, Scopus, and WoS were included in the sample. Keywords like “preparation of scientific and
pedagogical staff”, “higher education”, “digital technologies”, “digitization”, “modern pedagogical trends”,
Tetiana Rozhnova, Olena Sholokh, Oleksandr Kapinus, Tetiana Makhynia, Nataliia Prykhodkina
“requirements for educators”, etc., were employed during the search. The research focused on
contemporary and relevant literature, spanning from 2009 to 2024. Additionally, the regional scope of the
study is confined to the European region.
Data Analysis
In this research on the training of scientific and pedagogical workers in higher education institutions,
employed the following methods for data analysis.
1. Categorical analysis. The collected data, including literature insights and expert judgments, were
categorized based on key themes and topics. This method allowed us to identify recurring patterns and
prevalent issues in the training of scientific and pedagogical staff.
2. Content analysis. The textual content of selected articles and literature was systematically analyzed.
This involved identifying recurrent themes, evaluating the depth of discussion on specific aspects, and
extracting relevant information pertaining to the current state and requirements in the field of training.
3. Thematic analysis. The data underwent thematic categorization to identify overarching themes and
sub-themes. This approach allowed for a nuanced understanding of the diverse aspects influencing the
training of scientific and pedagogical workers.
4. Comparative analysis. Selected literature and expert opinions were compared to identify similarities,
differences, and evolving trends over the examined period. This method provided insights into the
changing landscape of training practices.
5. Synthesis of findings. The results of the analysis were synthesized to construct a comprehensive
narrative. This synthesis involved integrating key findings, drawing connections between different
aspects, and presenting a holistic view of the state and requirements in the training of scientific and
pedagogical workers.
4. Results and discussion
The contemporary higher education system aligns with the international Bologna system, a unified
framework embraced by numerous European nations. This system aims to standardize higher education
structures, qualification documents, and the qualifications of professionals and researchers across different
countries. Introduced in 1999, the Bologna system aims to create a common European educational space
that promotes the exchange of knowledge, the understanding of qualifications and ensuring the mobility
of students and scientists (Çekerol & Öztürk, 2012). One of the key components of the Bologna system is
the development of a single qualification standard that ensures the level and content of education in all
European countries. This facilitates comparison and obtaining qualifications, which is the place of the aspect
of training of scientific and pedagogical workers. Establishing a unified system allows to standardize the
quality of education and increase the high qualification of diplomas and degrees (Mykytenko, 2021).
At the same time, the Bologna system promotes changes in approaches to the training of scientific and
pedagogical workers. It is designed to provide greater flexibility and integration of science and education
so that graduates are ready for the challenges of the modern labour market (Mykytenko, 2021). This
includes the development of research skills, pedagogical effectiveness and the ability to learn
independently. In the context of the training of scientific and pedagogical workers, the Bologna system
considers structural changes in the educational process (Çekerol & Öztürk, 2012). This may include creating
innovative programs aimed at producing better scientists and teachers (See Table 1).
Training of scientific and pedagogical staff in higher education institutions: quality
and requirements. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /164-179
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Table 1.
Elements of the Bologna System and their role in the preparation of scientific and pedagogical workers
Standardization of qualifications
Ensuring a unified qualification standard for ease of comparison and
International recognition of diplomas
Increasing international recognition of diplomas and degrees.
Flexibility in education
Providing greater flexibility and integration of science and education.
Development of research skills
Fostering the development of research skills and the ability for
independent learning.
Structural changes in education
Creating innovative programs and university postgraduate schools for
the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel.
: author’s development
The ongoing reform in the training of scientific and pedagogical workers within Europe is directed towards
instituting structural changes conducive to a unified European research space. A key facet of the ongoing
reform in Germany and France involves the establishment and recognition of university graduate colleges
as effective entities for postgraduate students, particularly those pursuing doctoral degrees. These graduate
colleges, financed through the federal budget, operate as targeted research groups where students benefit
from structured programs. Participants receive grants, enabling them to concentrate fully on their
dissertation research under the mentorship of one or more faculty members, who are actively, involved in
funded research projects (Yakovenko, 2022).. These colleges not only provide financial support but also
facilitate an immersive research environment for doctoral candidates. The structured programs offered by
graduate colleges encompass general and specialized courses, typically ranging from 4 to 6 hours per week
(Yakovenko, 2022). The emphasis lies in creating an environment that encourages in-depth research while
simultaneously providing comprehensive academic support. The collaborative nature of graduate colleges
fosters a symbiotic relationship between students and faculty, contributing to the overall quality and depth
of research endeavors. Furthermore, graduate schools are considered potential models for addressing
existing shortcomings in Europe's current approach to the organization of researcher and teacher training
in higher education (Zoriy & Bohatyrets, 2018). By offering a focused, well-funded, and collaborative
platform, these institutions have the potential to overcome the challenges faced by traditional educational
structures, ultimately contributing to the advancement of research and teaching in higher education across
the continent (Simonics, 2021).
Thus, the preparation of scientific and pedagogical workers today reflects a dynamic and multifaceted
landscape shaped by contemporary educational trends. The main trends in the preparation of the scientific
and pedagogical staff, taking into account current realities, are presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Main trends in the preparation of the scientific and pedagogical workers.
Source: author’s development.
Tetiana Rozhnova, Olena Sholokh, Oleksandr Kapinus, Tetiana Makhynia, Nataliia Prykhodkina
In response to the demands of an ever-evolving society, the emphasis is on cultivating a diverse skill set
that extends beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries. As shown in Figure 1 one prominent trend is the
integration of technology in the preparation process. Modern scientific and pedagogical workers are
expected to be proficient in leveraging digital tools for research, teaching, and communication. This includes
incorporating online resources, interactive learning platforms, and digital collaboration tools into their
practices to enhance the overall learning experience (Turchyn et al., 2023). Interdisciplinary knowledge
has become a cornerstone of the preparation of scientific and pedagogical professionals. Recognizing the
interconnectedness of various fields, there is an increased emphasis on fostering a holistic understanding
that goes beyond specialized domains. This trend encourages collaboration across disciplines, enabling
professionals to address complex challenges with comprehensive and innovative solutions. Moreover, as
shown in Figure 1 there is a growing awareness of the importance of practical experiences in the
preparation of scientific and pedagogical workers (Tsekhmister et al., 2022). Practical, hands-on training,
often facilitated through internships, research projects, or teaching practices, is considered essential for
translating theoretical knowledge into real-world applications. This trend aims to bridge the gap between
academic learning and practical skills demanded in professional settings. A commitment to diversity, equity,
and inclusion is another prominent aspect of contemporary preparation trends. The recognition of diverse
perspectives and the need for inclusive teaching practices are integral to preparing scientific and
pedagogical workers for the globalized and multicultural educational environments they may encounter
(Maciej, 2023).
Professional development and lifelong learning have become integral components of the preparation
journey. The ever-changing nature of knowledge and technology requires continuous adaptation. Thus, the
state of preparation emphasizes a mindset of continuous learning, encouraging professionals to stay
abreast of emerging trends, methodologies, and research findings throughout their careers (Litynska et al.,
2023). Therefore, the preparation of scientific and pedagogical workers in the modern context is
characterized by the integration of technology, interdisciplinary knowledge, hands-on experiences, a
commitment to diversity, and the recognition of the importance of ongoing professional development.
These trends collectively contribute to a workforce that is not only well-equipped with theoretical knowledge
but is also adaptable, innovative, and capable of meeting the diverse challenges of contemporary education
and research landscapes (Frumkina et al., 2020).
Therefore, taking into account the current trends in the formation of scientists and educators, it is worth
outlining the main requirements for their training. According to modern scientists, in the contemporary
landscape of academic preparation, the training of scientific and pedagogical staff demands a multifaceted
approach to meet the dynamic challenges of modern education and research (Olifira & Synenko, 2020).
Consequently, modern requirements should focus on the development of the main required competencies
(Borysova et al., 2023). Table 2 below describes the basic requirements important for the training of
scientific and pedagogical workers.
Training of scientific and pedagogical staff in higher education institutions: quality
and requirements. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /164-179
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Table 2.
Main requirement of the training of scientific and pedagogical workers
Name of requirement
Interdisciplinary mastery
Proficiency in multiple academic disciplines beyond one's
specialization is imperative. This involves a comprehensive
understanding of the interconnectedness of various fields,
enabling effective collaboration and contribution across disciplines
for comprehensive research and teaching.
Digital competence
Adept use of a wide range of digital tools and technologies is
crucial. This includes proficiency in data analysis software, online
learning platforms, and communication tools, ensuring effective
utilization of technology for research, teaching, and academic
Innovative pedagogy
The ability to design and implement inventive teaching methods
is paramount. This includes engaging students, encouraging
critical thinking, and fostering the practical application of
knowledge through active learning strategies, project-based
assessments, and technology-enhanced teaching approaches.
Research excellence
A strong foundation in research methodologies, both quantitative
and qualitative, is essential. Demonstrated proficiency in
designing and conducting rigorous research studies, critically
analyzing existing literature, and contributing to the advancement
of knowledge in their field is a key requirement.
Applied experience
Integration of practical experiences, such as internships, teaching
practicums, or research projects, is critical. This hands-on
approach ensures that theoretical knowledge is reinforced with
real-world applications, enhancing the overall learning
Diversity and inclusion
The ability to create and maintain inclusive learning environments
is foundational. This involves respecting and celebrating diversity,
adapting teaching strategies to accommodate diverse learning
styles and backgrounds, and fostering an atmosphere of equity
and inclusion.
Commitment to professional
A proactive commitment to continuous professional development
is necessary. This involves participation in conferences,
workshops, and training programs, staying updated on
advancements within the field, exploring emerging trends, and
actively seeking opportunities for career growth.
An adaptable mindset is essential to navigate changing
educational landscapes, technological advancements, and societal
demands. This includes a willingness to embrace new teaching
methodologies, integrate emerging technologies, and adapt
research approaches based on evolving circumstances.
Effective Communication
Strong communication skills, encompassing clear and articulate
written and verbal expression, are fundamental. This involves the
ability to convey complex concepts comprehensibly, engage
effectively with students and colleagues, and disseminate
research findings to diverse audiences, both within and outside
Source: author’s development
Hence, as can be seen from Table 2, an important role in the system of training scientists and educators is
played by the development of digital competence, interdisciplinary knowledge, the use of innovative
methods in professional activities, and adaptability to changes. However, a particularly important
Tetiana Rozhnova, Olena Sholokh, Oleksandr Kapinus, Tetiana Makhynia, Nataliia Prykhodkina
requirement is professional development, which must take place constantly. The continuous professional
development of scientific and pedagogical workers in higher and educational institutions is an ongoing
process aimed at acquiring new skills and enhancing previously acquired competencies necessary for their
professional activities. This development involves a commitment to constant self-education and various
forms of professional growth, which can occur through formal and informal education, internships,
engaging in professional activities, and more. Legislation outlines specific requirements regarding the
frequency and extent of professional development for scientific and pedagogical workers across different
levels of education. For those working in institutions of higher and postgraduate education, it is mandatory
to enhance their qualifications at least once every five years (Yakovenko, 2022; Tsekhmister et al., 2009).
During this period, the respective institution ensures the provision of advanced training while maintaining
the average salary of the professional. The duration of professional development for scientific and
pedagogical workers is quantified in credits based on the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation
System (ECTS), where one credit corresponds to 30 hours (Daghbouche, 2011). Over a five-year cycle, the
cumulative professional development for these individuals cannot be less than six ECTS credits. The main
focal areas of professional development encompass diverse aspects (See Figure 2).
Figure 2.
Main aspects of professional development of modern pedagogical staff
: author’s development
These targeted areas of professional development collectively contribute to the continuous improvement
of scientific and pedagogical workers, ensuring that they remain well-equipped and effective in their roles
Professional development
Development of Professional
Involves refining professional
methods, adopting new
technologies, and staying
updated with advancements in
the respective field.
Understanding Psychological
and Physiological Characteristics
of Students
Includes insights into the age-
specific traits of students and
foundational principles of
Creating a Safe and Inclusive
Educational Environment
Encompasses knowledge about
inclusive education, the provision
of additional support for children
with special educational needs,
and the creation of an
environment that ensures safety
and inclusivity.
Utilization of Information and
Communication Technologies
Involves the incorporation of digital
technologies, including e-learning,
into the educational process, with
a focus on information and cyber
security. bn
Development of Various
Encompasses speech, digital,
communication, inclusive,
emotional, and ethical
competences, all of which
contribute to effective teaching
and interaction with students.
Training of scientific and pedagogical staff in higher education institutions: quality
and requirements. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /164-179
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
within the ever-evolving landscape of higher and postgraduate education (Vîşcu, Cădariu & Watkins, 2023).
The main forms of professional development for scientists and educators encompass various strategies and
mechanisms aimed at enhancing their knowledge, skills, and competencies. This not only contributes to
the personal growth of professionals but is also crucial for maintaining high standards in education and
research (Iskakova, 2023). Through active participation in these forms of professional development,
scientists and educators can effectively integrate new technologies, refine teaching methods, and respond
to contemporary challenges in their respective fields. This purposeful approach fosters the creation of a
resilient and innovative educational environment that meets the needs of modern society. Several key
forms of professional development include internship, formal education, scientific conferences, mentorship
and self education (See Table 3).
Table 3.
Forms of professional development of pedagogical and scientific staff
Preparation for the master's
degree in the specialty 011
“Educational and pedagogical
The process of training in the master's degree is focused on the development of
students as highly qualified specialists in the field of education and science. The
main goal is to provide them with comprehensive knowledge, skills and
experience necessary for teaching, scientific and research work in higher
educational institutions. Students get in-depth knowledge in various aspects of
pedagogy, teaching methods, educational psychology, education theory, etc. The
educational and professional program “Pedagogy of the higher school” promotes
the development of research skills through participation in projects, writing
scientific papers, publications and participation in conferences. The master's
degree in the field of “Educational and Pedagogical Sciences” provides students
with in-depth knowledge and practical experience, which allows them to
confidently work in the field of higher education and research.
Active participation in internship programs where professionals can gain practical
experience in their field. This may involve working on real projects, collaborating
with other highly skilled specialists, and exchanging experiences.
Formal Education
Participation in formal education programs such as courses, workshops, seminars,
and training sessions. These programs may cover new technologies, current
teaching methodologies, or in-depth analysis of scientific trends in the respective
Scientific Conferences
Participation in scientific conferences, symposiums, and meetings where
scientists and educators can exchange their research findings, share impressions
of conducted projects, and discover new trends in their field.
Participation in mentorship programs where experienced scientists or educators
provide support and advice to less experienced colleagues. This may include
individual consultations, collaborative projects, and the exchange of best
Active self-learning of new topics, reading scientific literature, or acquiring new
skills through online resources and independent research. Self-education is crucial
for continuous improvement and refining one's professional skills.
Membership in Professional
Joining scientific or educational associations where active information exchange,
learning about new trends in the field, and collaboration with colleagues are
Source: author’s development
These diverse forms of professional development enable scientists and educators not only to enrich their
professional knowledge but also to maintain the relevance of their activities in the rapidly changing
environment of higher education and science. In addition, Table 3 illustrates the significance of training
scientific and pedagogical professionals within the framework of a master's degree program in the field of