− Gration (2023) notes that English has the status of the state language in 55 countries (28.5% of the
total number). If we take into account the spread of the English language in business and everyday
life in individual countries, the number of countries where English has a formal status will be 75 — 39%
of all countries of the world. Moreover, there are currently local territories that give the English
language official state status (Saba and Sint Eustatius (Netherlands), San Andres and Providencia
(Colombia), Hong Kong (China), etc.).
According to estimates by Mykhalevych (2021), by 2050, English will remain the third in terms of the
number of native speakers (after Chinese (Mandarin) and Spanish). It will show the largest growth of
44.7%, when the number of people who naturally use increases to 534, 3 million users. However, as
(2023) noted, the share of the English-language sector of the world economic sphere will continue to
occupy a leading position, and will increase to 34% of the world volume by 2050 (3 times greater influence
on the world economy than that of the nearest competitor — the Mandarin (Chinese) language (11%)).
This will allow the English language to occupy a leading position and increase the number of users to 1.65
- 2.0 million people (Gration, 2023). So, we state that the English language is a universally recognized
communicative tool for access to the leading international multi-area platforms. Therefore, research and
development of effective methods of learning this language is not only relevant, but also urgent.
Unexplored Issues
Despite the numerous methods developed for learning English, there is currently no generalized teaching
method in the world community that would be considered the most effective and would give fast results.
Gration (2023) notes that the English language is compulsory for learning under the approved school
programmes in 138 countries. Teaching of the studied language begins for children on average from 6 to
12 years old. In addition to the spread of mandatory English language learning for children, there is also a
growing interest in learning this communicative tool among the adult population. It provides wider
opportunities, which is confirmed by a significant number of requests on Internet search engines regarding
English language learning, while users from the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Sweden, etc. show the
greatest interest (Gration, 2023).
The scale of the influence of the English language on the educational sector can be estimated by several
important factors:
− According to estimates by HolonIQ (2023), the international education is confirmed by certificates of
the appropriate level of accreditation. These certificates are provided upon defence of attestation work
in English. The current volume of the specified educational services is estimated at 10 - 20 million
students annually, By 2030, this indicator will increase to 1 billion university graduates, which has direct
economic consequences. The reason is that the field of international education currently attracts
investment of $196 billion, and will amount to $433 billion by 2030 (with the projected average annual
growth rate of 7.4%). So, it is necessary to have an appropriate level of English language proficiency
in order to obtain a professional qualification of an internationally recognized accreditation level;
− Adroit Market Research (2023) estimates the current volume of investment in learning of the English
language at $12 billion, and predict a further increase of the studied educational sector to $69.62 billion
in 2029 (with a projected average annual growth rate of 9.5%). The researchers note the following
practical methods most often used to learn English: classic method based on thorough manuals, face-
to-face course in the form of group training and online learning. According to Adroit Market Research
(2023), the development of digital means of learning English language is the key economic driver of
the development of the field of English language learning. However, one of the restraining factors
mentioned in this marketing research is the lack of a unitary approach and effective methods of
acquiring relevant skills in mastering the English language;