Yuliana Vlasenko, Anton Vertel, Kasim Tatlilioglu, Iryna Sasina, Tetiana Grebeniunk
Ensuring psychological comfort as a condition for the comprehensive
development of children. - Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /102-110
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.03.09
Cómo citar:
Vlasenko, Y., Vertel, A., Tatlilioglu, K., Sasina, I., & Grebeniunk, T. (2023). Ensuring psychological comfort as a condition for the
comprehensive development of children. Revista Eduweb, 17(3), 102-110. https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.03.09
Ensuring psychological comfort as a condition for the
comprehensive development of children
Asegurar el confort psicológico como condición para el desarrollo integral de
los niños
Yuliana Vlasenko
PhD in Political Science, Lecturer, Department of Social Work, Psychology and Socio-Cultural Activity named
after T. Sosnovskaya, Educational and Scientific Institute of Socio-Psychological Activity and Rehabilitation,
Educational and Rehabilitation Institute of Higher Education "Kamyanets-Podil State Institute", Kamianets-
Podilskyi, Ukraine.
Anton Vertel
Ph.D., Assistat Professor, Department of Psychology, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S.
Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine.
Kasim Tatlilioglu
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Psychology of Department, Faculty of Arts and Science,
Bingol University, Bingol, Turkey.
Iryna Sasina
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmopedagogics and Ophthalmopsyhology, Faculty of Special
and Inclusive Education, Ukrainian State University named after Mykhailo Drahomanov, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Tetiana Grebeniunk
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmopedagogics and Ophthalmopsyhology, Faculty of Special
and Inclusive Education, Ukrainian State University named after Mykhailo Drahomanov, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Recibido: 11/04/23
Aceptado: 20/06/23
The fundamental reform of the education system globally involves strengthening the humanistic orientation
of the educational process, focusing on the active role of children in their development. The importance of
caring, attentive, patient, and tactful attitudes from adults, as well as meaningful and emotionally warm
communication from the early stages of life, is emphasized. The main objective of the study is to determine
the role and features of achieving psychological comfort to ensure effective and comprehensive
development during the educational process. The methodology employed an analytical and bibliographic
approach to review scientific literature on the psychological comfort of children's development. Induction,
deduction, analysis, synthesis, system-structural analysis, comparative analysis, logical-linguistic methods,
abstraction, and idealization were applied to study and process the data. Additionally, an online
questionnaire was conducted to gain practical insights into the issues related to psychological support
during children's development. Based on the research results, the primary and most significant theoretical
aspects of psychological comfort as a significant prerequisite for multifaceted child development were
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
established. This study provides valuable perspectives on the role of psychological comfort in educational
practices, laying the groundwork for future research in this area.
Keywords: psychological conditions of development, psychoanalysis, psychological comfort, mental health
promotion, psychological and educational tools.
La reforma fundamental del sistema educativo a nivel mundial busca fortalecer la orientación humanista
en el proceso educativo, enfocándose en el desarrollo activo de los niños. Se destaca la importancia de una
actitud afectuosa, atenta, paciente y delicada por parte de los adultos, así como una comunicación
significativa y cálida desde temprana edad. El objetivo principal del estudio es determinar el papel y las
características del logro del confort psicológico para asegurar un desarrollo integral y efectivo durante el
proceso educativo. Se utilizó una metodología basada en análisis bibliográfico para revisar la literatura
científica sobre el confort psicológico en el desarrollo infantil. Se aplicaron métodos de procesamiento de
datos como inducción, deducción, análisis y síntesis de información. Además, se realizó un cuestionario en
línea para obtener información práctica sobre el apoyo psicológico durante el desarrollo de los niños. Los
resultados del estudio establecieron los aspectos teóricos más relevantes relacionados con el confort
psicológico como requisito esencial para el desarrollo integral de los niños. Este estudio proporciona valiosas
perspectivas sobre el papel del confort psicológico en el proceso educativo, sentando las bases para futuras
investigaciones en este campo.
Palabras clave: condiciones psicológicas del desarrollo, psicoanálisis, confort psicológico, promoción de
la salud mental, herramientas psicológicas y educativas.
1. Introduction
The primary tasks of the teacher, the solution of which requires knowledge of the children’s psychology,
are the recognition and support of pedagogically significant manifestations of the children’s activity with
the aim of directing them in the relevant direction, taking into account the students’ wishes and interests
when forming initial ideas and increasingly complex knowledge about the surrounding world, equipping
their communication skills and effective, psychologically comfortable communicative activity.
The theoretical part of the present research substantiates the importance, factors and components of
psychological comfort as a significant condition for the child’s development.
The practical part of the research includes assessing the most important tasks of the educational process
from the perspective of the necessity to ensure the psychological comfort of the education seeker. It
determines prospective directions of developing the pedagogical science to stimulate children’s effective
psychological development. Along with this, it identifies the most effective psychological and pedagogical
prerequisites for cultivating a child’s personality and ways of solving the current problems of developing
the psychological service of the education system, as well as establishing the most effective measures to
increase the students’ psychological comfort during their educational activities.
Based on the research results, conclusions were made regarding the issues raised. In particular, it has been
established that the primary tasks of the educational process in terms of the necessity to ensure the
psychological comfort of the education seeker are the protection and strengthening of the physical and
mental health of children and the formation of a social-cultural environment that would meet the age,
individual, psychological and physiological features of children. Considering the foregoing, the most
promising directions for developing pedagogical science to stimulate the effective psychological
development of children are establishing the role of a psychologist as an executor, creating a situation for
Ensuring psychological comfort as a condition for the comprehensive
development of children. - Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /102-110
Yuliana Vlasenko, Anton Vertel, Kasim Tatlilioglu, Iryna Sasina, Tetiana Grebeniunk
the teacher to reflectively analyze his experience, and also as a partner in pedagogical action, participating
in the formation of the educational process. At the same time, the most significant prerequisites for the
development of children’s personalities are the restructuring of the educational space according to the
personality-oriented educational model, the transition from the frontal to the individualized style of
communication of the teacher with children, and the improvement of the teachers’ psycho-pedagogical
competence. The questionnaire made it possible to outline the most decisive ways of solving the current
problems of developing the psychological service of the education system, in particular, the preparation
and implementation of educational and preventive programs on overcoming aggressiveness, and cruelty
among and towards students, development of an algorithm for the interaction of a school psychologist with
representatives of other institutions and family services. An essential result of the survey is the identification
of the main types of measures to improve the students’ psychological comfort in the course of their learning
activities, namely, using the latest educational technologies, psychological and pedagogical support
measures, and the development of harmonious and friendly interpersonal relationships.
2. Literature Review
Child development is a process of irreversible, positively directed and natural changes leading to qualitative
and structural transformations at all levels of the child’s integral personality. The development of a child
from early childhood is characterized by high dynamics and intense pace. Enrichment or deepening of the
developmental process necessary for the life of a child of a certain age requires comfortable conditions for
his education and upbringing (Kesavelu, Sheela & Abraham, 2021).
The most effective psychological and educational means directly influencing the cultivation of the
personality is saturating children’s lives with learning situations that positively affect their development. An
important condition for a child’s participation in such situations is his physical and psychological comfort
(Kong & Yasmin, 2022).
The development of personality lies in organizing and integrating the inner world of a person. It is a path
to oneself, a process of self-affirmation and self-discovery. Intellectual development becomes personal only
when it begins to reflect one’s own experience. From this moment, an individual determines, controls, and
accepts responsibility for the course of his own development (Colliver et al., 2022; Mertala, 2019).
If the issue of the primary driving forces behind this process, namely, the fundamentals of the child’s
psychological comfort, is not resolved, studying the self-development of a personality as a unique
multifaceted person will not be sufficient (Eijgermans et al., 2022; Lindeman, Svensson & Enochsson,
Support for psychological development during studies at general educational institutions aims to help each
student socialize and adapt in the social environment, optimally developing his potential. Psychological
support is focused on the optimistic perspective of each student. It is aimed at supporting the optimal
development of each child: his cognitive activity, assimilation of professional knowledge and social values,
norms of interpersonal interaction and communication, and formation of an independent type of behavior
for positive psychological well-being. The tools of implementing this systematically organized activity are
the student’s spiritual development and the observance of comfortable conditions for his education and
upbringing, the influence on the social and educational environment with the aim of creating conditions for
development corresponding to the child’s features, corrective and developmental work of the psychologist
with the child in individual and group form (Liu, Zhao & Su, 2022; Forsling, 2021).
3. Aims
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
The purpose of the research is to determine the standpoint of scientists and practical psychologists
regarding key practical issues related to ensuring psychological comfort as an important prerequisite for
the comprehensive development of children.
4. Materials and Methods
A practical study of modern tendencies in using the tools to ensure psychological comfort as an important
prerequisite for children’s effective development was conducted by surveying 231 scientists and 191
practical psychologists working in Odesa, Mykolaiv, Lviv, Cherkasy and Ivano-Frankivsk regions of Ukraine.
The research was conducted using the Google Forms service.
5. Results
From the perspective of the necessity to ensure the psychological comfort of the education seeker as an
important prerequisite for the effectiveness of the child’s development, the research made it possible to
single out the following primary tasks of the educational process (Figure 1).
Figure 1.
The tasks of the educational process from the perspective of the necessity to ensure the
psychological comfort of the education seeker, %.
Source: compiled by the authors.
According to the survey participants’ standpoint, currently, in the conditions of the necessity to comply with
educational standards, the most significant tasks are the protection and strengthening of the children’s
physical and mental health and the formation of a social-cultural environment that would correspond to the
children’s age, individual, psychological and physiological features.
Protection and strengthening the children's
physical and mental health, their mental
Creation of favorable conditions for the
development of children in accordance with
their age and individual features and
Development of abilities and creative
potential of each child as a subject of
relations with himself, other children, adults
and the world
The formation of a social-cultural
environment that would correspond to the
age, individual, psychological and
physiological features of children
Implementation of psychological and
pedagogical support for the family and
increasing the competence of parents in
matters of development and upbringing,
protection and strengthening of children's
mental health
33 29
31 27
According to scientists' standpoint According to practical psychologists' standpoint
Yuliana Vlasenko, Anton Vertel, Kasim Tatlilioglu, Iryna Sasina, Tetiana Grebeniunk
Ensuring psychological comfort as a condition for the comprehensive
development of children. - Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /102-110
During the survey, the respondents identified the following promising directions for developing the
pedagogical science in order to stimulate the children’s effective psychological development (Figure 2):
development of the psychologist’s role as a performer, who creates for the teacher a situation of
reflective analysis of his experience;
development of the psychologist’s role as a partner in pedagogical action, who participates in the
formation of the educational process;
drawing the attention of psychological service specialists to the new roles arising during the interaction
of teachers with children, primarily the facilitator, who instills confidence in his abilities and supports
being involved in psychological knowledge.
Figure 2.
Promising directions for developing the pedagogical science in order to stimulate the children’s
effective psychological development, %.
Source: compiled by the authors.
The survey made it possible to establish effective psychological and pedagogical prerequisites for
developing the child’s personality (Figure 3).
It can be observed from Figure 3 that the most significant prerequisites for developing the child’s personality
are restructuring the educational space according to the personality-oriented educational model, transiting
from the frontal to the individualized style of communication of the teacher with children, and improving
the teachers’ psycho-pedagogical competence.
Solving the problem of teachers'
psychological support
Drawing the attention of
psychological service specialists to
the new roles arising during
interaction of teachers with
children, primarily, the facilitator,
who instills confidence in his
abilities and supports, being
involved in psychological knowledge
Development of the psychologist's
role as an interlocutor who sees the
pedagogical situation from a
different position, but understands
and accepts the positions of the
teacher and the child
Development of the psychologist's
role as a performer who creates for
the teacher a situation of reflective
analysis of his experience
Development of the psychologist’s
role as a partner in pedagogical
action, who participates in the
formation of the educational
33 32 27
31 30 34
51 52
According to scientists' standpoint According to practical psychologists' standpoint
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Figure 3.
Effective psychological and pedagogical prerequisites for developing the child’s personality, %.
Source: compiled by the authors.
As evidenced by analyzing the research participants’ answers, the current problems of the developing the
psychological service of the education system can be solved by as follows (Figure 4):
preparation and implementation of educational and preventive programs on overcoming aggressiveness, and
cruelty among and towards students;
development of an algorithm for the interaction of a school psychologist with representatives of other
institutions and family services.
Figure 4.
Ways to solve the current problems of developing the psychological service of the education system,
Source: compiled by the authors.
Restructuring the
educational space according
to the personality-oriented
educational model
Transiting from the frontal
to the individualized style of
communication of the
teacher with children
Improving the teachers’
Mastering the methodology
of studying individual age
Mastering the technique of
diagnosing achievements in
the child's development
Development of
individualized educational
programs, effective
involvement of parents in
the educational process
54 49 52
37 33 27
53 51 50
35 31 32
According to scientists' standpoint According to practical psychologists' standpoint
Providing educational
institutions with practical
psychologists as fully as
Development of a unified
model of interaction of a
practical psychologist of a
preschool and general
educational institution
Preparation and
implementation of educational
and preventive programs on
overcoming aggressiveness,
cruelty among and towards
Development of an algorithm
for the interaction of a school
psychologist with
representatives of other
institutions and family
Implementation of
psychological and pedagogical
support for the family and
increasing the parents'
competence in matters of
development and upbringing,
protection and strengthening
of children's mental health
33 32
52 51
49 53
According to scientists' standpoint According to practical psychologists' standpoint
Yuliana Vlasenko, Anton Vertel, Kasim Tatlilioglu, Iryna Sasina, Tetiana Grebeniunk
Ensuring psychological comfort as a condition for the comprehensive
development of children. - Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /102-110
The survey made it possible to establish the primary types of measures to increase the students’
psychological comfort during educational activities for their development (Figure 5).
Figure 5.
The primary types of measures to increase the students’ psychological comfort during
educational activities, %.
Source: compiled by the authors.
The analysis of the responses received as a result of the questionnaire showed that such measures primarily
use the latest educational technologies, measures of psychological and pedagogical support, and develop
harmonious and benevolent interpersonal relations.
6. Discussion
The formation and personality development of a child of preschool and school age, which can be ensured
at preschool and secondary educational institutions, requires the search for innovative content, forms and
methods of working with students, fulfillment of the educator’s mission as an intermediary between the
child and society, solving urgent problems of personality cultivation and development (Parker et al., 2022;
Walk, Evers, Quante & Hille, 2018).
Forecasting of changes and their regulation accelerate the process of updating the activities of educational
institutions recognizing the need for conscious management. Therefore, the approaches to planning the
educational institution’s activities, updating the training base, dissemination and use of interactive forms in
the educational process require significant attention. Currently, the organization of children’s education
should be based on methods and technologies that activate mental activity and creatively organize the
educational space (Allee-Herndon & Roberts, 2020; Ernst & Reynolds, 2021).
The latest tendencies in developing the education system are dictated by the need for fundamental changes
aimed at improving the quality and competitiveness of educational institutions. They are also aimed at
solving strategic tasks faced by the institution’s staff in the new economic and social-cultural conditions
(Nilsson, Ferholt & Lecusay, 2018; Crouch et al., 2020b).
All necessary types of psychological activity, which are interconnected and complement one another, can
be delegated with psychological assistance as a psychologist’s working technique (van der Heijden,
Beijaard, Geldens & Popeijus, 2018; Li, Tan & Yi, 2020), (Ozokcu, 2018).
Partnership cooperation
between the educational
institution and the family
Application of the latest
educational technologies,
measures of psychological
and pedagogical support
Development of the
student's creative
Development of
harmonious and
benevolent interpersonal
According to scientists' standpoint According to practical psychologists' standpoint
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
The educator should focus on several crucial factors, including fostering psychological comfort in the
classroom in order to ensure the child’s thorough development both intellectually and morally, or in other
words, as a personality (Neuman & Powers, 2021; Bryant, 2018).
Working in this direction, scientists in their studies pay attention to special changes in developing children’s
feelings of sympathy and antipathy. In particular, they believe that the objects causing these feelings are
not only adults, but also the child’s peers. Moreover, the source of such experiences is not only the
satisfaction of organic needs but also the child’s communication with peers, and the spiritual and moral
characteristics of peers (Bruns et al., 2019; Crouch et al., 2020a).
Along with this, researchers of the child’s psychological development pay attention to the fact that the
degree of emotional development is not decisive for a person. People with a well-developed emotional
sphere can get along better with people; they are able to manage their emotions more purposefully.
Scientists-pedagogues emphasize in their studies to the fact that the emotional world of a child is formed
from the first days of life, from the first smile, the first cry. It continues to be formed along with the
personality formation, acquiring various positive and negative manifestations (Wolf et al., 2018; Brock &
Beaman-Diglia, 2018).
7. Conclusions
Therefore, the analysis of the scientific literature on the research topic and the questionnaire results showed
that forming comfortable psychological conditions for the child’s development is of great importance for his
future life. After all, it is positive emotions and a satisfactory psychological state that help the child develop
harmoniously. Children’s emotional and moral growth suffers when the intellectual domain is given
precedence without consideration for the emotional component. Under such conditions, emotionally
devastated individuals grow up, which eventually leads to the decline of the country’s general culture. A
positive psychological climate and emotional comfort of the child contribute to a freer expression of
emotions and more productive learning and upbringing, which positively affects the formation of creative
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